9842716008, 9842764828

Share and Secure trust registered in D.L.NO TN33198640206 and registered in book 4 document Number 313/2012 by the 2nd joint Sub registrar, Erode, dated 12.04.2012. The Share and Secure Trust has its own by laws with various causes and conditions.

About Us

Share and Secure is a Charitable Trust founded with the object and purposes for the benefit of the bereaved family of a practicing advocate on the event of his death of a member of the Trust in the state of Tamilnadu. The share and secure Trust here in after called “THE TRUST” is founded by the author with the object of to help the bereaved family of the member lawyer of the Trust in the event of his death from and out of the funds CONTRIBUTED by the members of the advocate community. At the same time, the Trust is to function to promote fraternity among the lawyers community. The objects are not far the benefits of any particular religious community.


The Trust is comprised of a minimum or 7 not more than 17 Trustees for facilitating effective functioning of the Trust and institutions established by it. The Board of Trustees shall consists of the presidents and Secretaries of any Bar Associations from which any person becomes member of this Trust shall he ex officio Trustees but without any voting right.

- The Board of Trustees are called A Panel members
- Others are B Panel members.