9842716008, 9842764828


Any person seeking B Panel member membership in the Trust.

  • 1

    Shall be a duly enrolled as a advocate in the bar council of Tamilnadu and permanent member of any one of the Bar Associations duly recognized by the Bar Council of Tamilnadu. Any advocate who has enrolled himself in the Bar Council in any other State shall be admitted subject to the approval of the Board of Trust.

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    An advocate who has not attained 75 years of age as on the date of admission.

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    The right of admissions a member shall be with the Board of Trust absolutely and shall have the right to reject admission without assigning any reason.

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    There are specific conditions for admitting members with an age between 50 and 60 years and between 60 and below 75 years and for those who have become advocates after retirement from the government as well as private services.

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    An advocate seeking admission to Trust shall pay a sum of Rs 1000 towards the Trust along with the Application which would be added to the Share and Secure reserve fund for contribution as charity fund.

  • 6

    In the event of the death of any member, the Trust upon receiving the notice of the same every member shall pay a sum of Rs.250 towards his/her contribution to the Trust within 30 days from the date of such notice. Each member is to nominate the nominees and the Share and Secure amount shall be dispersed to the nominee at the earliest.

Moto of the Trust is to Share our contribution to the bereaved family of an advocate.